Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Any Harry Potter Fans?

If you're a fan of Harry Potter, you might like this new outfit. I tried to make it as close to the outfit that Hermoine wears. Of course, since I don't knit, the sweater became a vest and made from fleece. This will be posted on my website in the next few days.

Weekly Bowling 7/26/09

Terrie 161 / 136 / 123 / 158
Brent 124 / 162 / 150 / 150

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Ode to Charlie

Our sweet Charlie, aka Sir Charles Benjamin III took his last breath this morning at 5:53. He hadn't shown any signs of being sick and even yesterday, acted as he always did. This morning when Brent was getting ready for work, he woke me up and told me to come watch Charlie. Charlie didn't want to move and he was outside on the deck. Brent wanted him to come in so he helped him up. That was the first indication that something was wrong. After about 10 minutes, Brent carried Charlie into the bedroom and laid him by my side of the bed. His breathing was very labored. Brent told me he was going to take him down to the emergency vet and I told him NO. I told him it was time for Charlie to go and I didn't want him lying on a cold vet's table. So, we sat with him and petted him and told him how much we love him. After about 45 minutes, our boy Charlie went to Heaven.

Charlie was born Sept 28th, 1998 and came to live with us in Nov of that year. I remember the night we went and picked him out. He immediately went for Brent and has been Brent's buddy ever since. When we brought him home, he got his first taste of people food; bean and bacon soup and ever since then, he has been the biggest beggar you could imagine. Every morning it was his ritual for me to give him a cookie biscuit so he could go out to go potty. He'd eat that, go down, come back up and sit at the door and stare at me until I came and brought him and Luke another one. He'd eat that and then by the time I was done with my breakfast, he'd be ready to come in for yet one more. Then he'd head downstairs with it and be happy for a while. Yes, three cookie biscuits for breakfast and that doesn't count the one(s) Brent would give him before he went to work. Surprisingly, Charlie was not that much overweight and Luke is not at all.

So, nearly 11 years old, Charlie has gone on to be with his friends Addy and Spooky. We will miss you dearly sweet Charlie. We love you!

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Today, I am...

I woke up today feeling very tired and not wanting to get out of bed but I did anyway at 5:45 and got in the shower. As I was dressing, it suddenly hit me; I am happy. My little business is going well. My "real job" is going well. I love working from home. I love my life.
Today, I want to tell my husband of 31+ years how much I love him. Actually, it's impossible for me to put into words just how much so, I love him beyond words.

Today, I want to tell each of my children how proud I am of each of them. They have grown into such awesome people. Thank you for loving me anyway, even after I was screaming and yelling at you (it seemed like I was always yelling). Thank you for taking my advice (after you grew up) even though I may not have always been the example when you were in the process. Thank you for allowing me to be your mom.

Today, I want to tell each of my grandbabies how much I love them. Having grandchildren is probably the most rewarding, fulfilling dream anyone could ever have and I think I have been blessed with 4 of the best!

Today, I want to tell each of my siblings how much I love them. I don't tell you that often enough. Thank you for being my big brother or big sister. Each of you have taught me something, whether it was how to tie my shoes or how to fight for myself. Regardless, I am who I am because of your influance.

Today, I want to tell my Mom and Dad how much I love them and miss them. I know you're spirits are with me everyday. Thank you for all the support and love you have given me everyday of my life. Thank you for allowing me to make my own decisions and thank you for sharing your wisdom so that I would always know the right decisions to make to help get me to this point in my life.

Today, I want to thank everyone who reads my blog. In a way, you are the reason I blog. Thanks for letting me share my thoughts and dreams. Thanks for letting me read about your thoughts and dreams. Thank you for helping me to remember each and every day that the little things are the most important things.

I love my life and everything in it!

Monday, July 20, 2009

Weekly Bowling Scores 7/19/09

What does strike+spare+strike+spare+strike+strike+strike+spare+spare+9=? Check the score on my game #4!
Jenny 175 / 137
Terrie 133 / 129 / 144 / 212
Brent 130 / 135 / 156 / 106

I didn't dare look at the score the entire game. Brent said something in the 4th frame and I told him to be quiet. I didn't want to know. Then he just kept shaking his head. After I bowled the last frame, and I got a 9 on the last throw, I looked up and saw my score. My heart started pounding and the Sunday morning regulars were all giving me a "thumbs up". I could not believe I had just done that! and Yes, my score was DOUBLE Brent's score in that game and I have no intention of letting him forget that!

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Some organizing of my own

Even though I like to be organized, my workspace has gotten a little out of sorts with all the doll things I've been doing. I even had to set up a folding table in the middle of the room to give me room to cut fabric because all the counter space was occupied by dolls and other essential items. My craft closet was a disaster and I had a hard time finding the fabrics I was looking for so... it was time to stop what I was doing and get working on organizing all over again. No, I don't have pics of the before. I took some but they accidentally included my secret project that I am working on for my special sister. I didn't realize that until after I had started to clean and put things away. So, all you get to see now is my "After" shots. In an effort to give myself more much needed counter space, I purchased a new shelf from Ikea to put my dolls on.
See my closet? This is where I keep all my scrapbook stuff
and now I am keeping all my fabric in there too. Now it's so organized, it looks like I need to make a few more trips to the fabric store to fill up my shelves!
And here are the cabinets. I usually don't have a problem keeping these organized:

And this is still one of my favorite spots in my office. My little nook dedicated to my heritage
And just so you have a full grand tour of the space, here is the rest of the space. Where I sew:
And where I work my "real job" for 8 hrs a day:
So there you have it. The space where I spend most of my life.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

One day left

Don't miss out on your chance to win one of these adorable dolls and your choice of one of my outfits. Go to www.alldolledup-dollclothes.com and submit your entry in the form provided. You have until midnight on Wednesday. The winners will be announced on Thursday. Yes, I said winnerS. I am giving away TWO dolls and TWO outfits. Hurry, you only have one day left to enter!

Benign Essential Tremors

This one is for my new blog friend, Diana and of course for anyone else who is interested:
From what I understand, my tremors are heredity but I don't remember either of my parents having it except when they were nearing their late 70s. I am only 49 and have had it for about 2 or 3 years now. It just seems to get worse with time. I have looked up the formal name "benign essential tremors" on the internet but I haven't found any real solutions. Sometimes my hand (mostly my left hand) shakes and if I am sitting and push up on my toes, my legs will shake extremely. Personally, I think it was caused by a medication I was taking for my restless legs, Requip. One of the warnings on the papers the pharmacist gives with the meds indicate that a side effect is shaking. My doctor said no though becaue I have been on Mirapex for my legs for two years now and my tremors are getting worse. The doc said that the meds they prescribe for the tremors is called a beta blocker, essentially a blood pressure medication. If that doesn't help then they will try something else. I've only been on this med for a week and it doesn't seem to have even begun to help but I will stick with it for the month to give it a chance. I know sometimes it can take several weeks for some meds to actually start working in your system. Through this, I will continue to do the little detail work I love to do. I just can't paint eyelashes and eyebrows anymore. I guess makeing more porcelain dolls is out of the question.

On a side note, Diana I have a few patterns for both crocheting and sewing for the dolls you mentioned. If you can send me a picture of them, I will find something for you in my stash.

Monday, July 13, 2009

Nothing to blog about

Once again, I have a post called "Nothing to blog about". That really does sum it up these days unless you want to hear all about my dolls again. My life has been consumed by my dolls and I love it. I am finding new things to do all the time and I am keeping so busy that for once in my life, I feel like there are not enough hours in the day to do everything I want to do. I get up at 5:30 am, shower, dress, do my hair and make-up then head down to my office (I really want to call it something different... perhaps "studio")and start my day. Since I work a full time 8-5 job, here at home, I have about 1 to 1.5 hrs before I have to start my "real job" as some put it. During this time, I usually sew or clean up my work space. Lately, I have not been as organized as I would like and this bugs me to no end so I do a lot of cleaning. Then after my "real job" (I think this means "the job I get paid to do"), I continue my task that I started that morning. Sometimes I will just head up to my other office (my bedroom)and crochet while I watch TV. I have been learning to reroot doll hair so when I get tired of crocheting, I re-root. This is rather time consuming and hard on the eyes but for some odd reason, I find joy in cutting off gross or matted doll hair and poking them with shiney new hair, although since I have tremors and my head shakes, detail work tends to cause lots of tension in my neck. I am now taking medication for it but so far, it doesn't seem to help much. Even now, typing, I feel my head shaking and it drives me crazy! Wow, that went way off the subject... Anyway, if it involves a doll, I am probably going to try it, buy it, test it or make it.

Weekly Bowling Scores 7/12/09

Brent 129 / 115 / 155 / 164
Terrie 119 / 125 / 113 / 181
I guess I just have to take the good with the bad. I was ready to give up after my third game. Glad I didn't.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Weekly Bowling Scores 7/5/09

Terrie 146 / 136 / 114 / 128
Brent 129 / 121 / 188 / 127

Our 4th of July Celebration

I would post about how we celebrated the 4th of July here but Jenny already posted about it and since we were with her for part of the day, the only thing I can add is what happened after the day ended. I finally got into bed close to 11:30. I had just dozed off when I heard pounding. I couldn't quite tell where it was coming from so I got up, thinking Brent had locked himself out of the house, maybe out with the dogs then the dogs started barking. They were inside. I opened the front door and no one was there then I turned to go downstairs and the doorbell started ringing many times. I had the feeling that this wasn't just neighborhood kids playing pranks. I opened the door and my neighbor across the street was yelling "you've got a fire, turn on your hose". I ran out in my shorty jammies, turned on the hose and ran to follow Jean. I immediately saw flames over a foot high coming out of the garbage can that Brent had put the burned up fireworks in. Yes, they were on fire. After filling up the can with water and soaking if for about 5 minutes, we thought it was all ok. Then I noticed that the box on top still had red embers. we filled the box with water and soaked that some more them tore the box apart. The trash bin had a hole burned into it. All I can say is thank Heaven for my nosey neighbor (she refers herself as that)because without her constant watch, where the can was placed, it could have caught the wood fence on fire or worse, the truck!

Thursday, July 2, 2009


This one is dedicated to my mom, Gerda. Love you and miss you Mom. I think about you every day!

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Just because

And just because I think my other grandkids are so adorable too:

Mollie turns 1

So, since Kim has dial up and probably won't post these, I am doing it. Sorry about the length of the slideshow. I couldn't just pick one, she's too stinkin' cute for that. Love you Mollie Mac-a-roni!