Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Our 4th of July Celebration

I would post about how we celebrated the 4th of July here but Jenny already posted about it and since we were with her for part of the day, the only thing I can add is what happened after the day ended. I finally got into bed close to 11:30. I had just dozed off when I heard pounding. I couldn't quite tell where it was coming from so I got up, thinking Brent had locked himself out of the house, maybe out with the dogs then the dogs started barking. They were inside. I opened the front door and no one was there then I turned to go downstairs and the doorbell started ringing many times. I had the feeling that this wasn't just neighborhood kids playing pranks. I opened the door and my neighbor across the street was yelling "you've got a fire, turn on your hose". I ran out in my shorty jammies, turned on the hose and ran to follow Jean. I immediately saw flames over a foot high coming out of the garbage can that Brent had put the burned up fireworks in. Yes, they were on fire. After filling up the can with water and soaking if for about 5 minutes, we thought it was all ok. Then I noticed that the box on top still had red embers. we filled the box with water and soaked that some more them tore the box apart. The trash bin had a hole burned into it. All I can say is thank Heaven for my nosey neighbor (she refers herself as that)because without her constant watch, where the can was placed, it could have caught the wood fence on fire or worse, the truck!


Jessarella said...

Oh my gosh Terrie. How scary! That could have ended a lot worse. Thank your lucky stars.

Diana said...

Thank goodness for us nosy neighbors! See my husband always teases me about being a nosy neighbor, but I say that thats what windows are for!