Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Uhhh, what happened?

The first words out of Brents mouth when he got home from work this morning were, "Hi Honey, uhhh, what'd you do to your hair!?"

Well, let's see; I bought a color called Warm Medium Brown and put it on my hair last night. It turned BLACK. So I got up early this morning and went to the store at 6am and bought another color, one called Light Reddish Brown. I put it on and my hair is STILL BLACK!!!!

The next words out of Brent's mouth were "I hope you aren't planning on going anywhere!", to which I replied "When, anytime in the next three months?" It looks horrible. I have been coloring my hair myself for years and the last two times, the color has really turned out bad. Nothing even close to the color on the box. I don't know if it's my hormones (am I menopausal?) or if they've changed the formula but it's BAD! I have to wait until June 14th to have a professional do it. I really don't want to pay $110 to have my hair done again at a salon so I have to wait until the girl that does Jenny and Kim's hair has an opening. She only charges about half that. So, in the meantime, I will suffer and get laughed at.

Weekly Bowling Scores 5/24/08

Brent 137 / 135 / 141 / 137
Terrie 105 / 114 / 97 / 102
My scores are just not getting any better. It seems like my good scores are just luck, not skill.

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

The New Look of Me

So, here we go. Time for new glasses. Even though I had lasik done about 5 years ago, it only lasted about 2 years. I have been wearing glasses for seeing distances and lately, have been wearing them all the time except to read. I had my eyes checked again and now it's time for bifocals. I ordered a pair of contacts and expect them in a couple of weeks. Because I have a stigmatism and bifocals, they tell me it will take a while to get them in. I also got a new pair of glasses so that I can have a back up. I picked these up yesterday. I will say it is going to take some getting used to. I am used to moving my eyes to see something and now I have to move my head to look at something straight on so it is clear. It's hard to walk down the stairs. Everytime Brent looks at me, he tells me how much he likes my new glasses. He should, he picked them out. As I was browsing through the store and trying on different frames, I would ask his opinion. He'd just shrug and say, "they're ok". He picked up this pair thinking they looked kind of funky and jokingly said, "here, try these". I did and he perked up and said, " hey, I really like those on you" so, that's what I bought. Of course, they were more expensive than what I wanted to pay. Just for the frames alone, the price was $244. I told the sales person that I really liked them but didn't want to pay that price so he gave them to me for 50% off. Not bad, huh? They look kind of brown in this picture but they are actually dark olive green. The inside of them is a lighter olive green.

Monday, May 19, 2008

Where I've been

First, let me start by saying Happy Mother's day to all the women in my life. My daughters, sisters (yes, in-law too), neices and all of you mothers who may be reading my blog. You all hold a special place in my heart and I hope you had a wonderful relaxing day. The Friday before Mother's day, Brent asked me what gift he could give me. I said, "oh honey, don't worry, you already got me a gift", to which he replied, "oh good, what did I get you?" With a big smile I said, "Well, remember that craft cutter (Silhouette) I told you I wanted but thought was too much money? I went a head and ordered it (from QVC, yes, I am a QVC shopaholic). It should be here any day now". And as luck would have it, it came that day. He was very happy for me but we were both sad when I couldn't get it to connect to my computer. I had to wait until Monday to call customer service but eventually did get it connected and it is awsome. Any font I already have on my computer, it will cut. No cartridges to have to buy. Now I really have no excuse to not finish Jeff's scrapbook.

Monday the 12th, we celebrated Brent's 50th birthday. Oh my, he is getting OLD! We both took the week off of work. Monday I wanted to take him to lunch to his favorite steak house but they weren't open for lunch so we went to TGIFriday's then he decided he wanted to go bowling. I haven't posted the last couple of weeks scores because they've been so bad on all of us (with the exception of another 3 strike game by me with a score of 156!). The first frame, Brent's up and throws the ball. He almost hit the floor. Soooo, here I go, trying to be very cautious. I toss my first ball and hit 9 pins. I toss my second ball and DOWN I went. BUTT PLANT! I crawled over to the table, grabbed the rag and crawled back to the line and wiped the oil up so it wouldn't happen again. Thank heavens there weren't too many people that saw me go down. How embarrassing!

Tuesday, Brent and I went to the eye doctor. He seems to think that his vision isn't as sharp as it used to be. They checked his eyes and said, Umm, you have better than 20/20 vision. What more do you want? But he has a problem reading things close up. His arms just aren't long enough to focus so they told him to just go buy some magnifiers from the grocery store, which he's been using for the last couple of years anyway. ME? Bifocals! I ordered multifocal contacts and new glasses. The lasik was great while it lasted.

The rest of the week was spent doing yard work. We got 15 yards of dirt from Brent's work and built up the tiers in our veggie garden. For those of you who don't know how much dirt that is, it was a large dump truck FULL, that filled up our entire driveway as high as the garage door. I shoveled aboutg 3/4 of that dirt all by myself while Brent wheeled the wheel barrow to the back and dumped it. He re-arranged the railroad ties to make two levels so things would grow better. With as out of shape as I am, I thought I would be more sore but really, the thing that hurst the most is the palm of my hand from leveraging the shovel. Hopefully we'll have a great garden this year. Now we just have to figure out how to keep the dogs out of it.

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Paisley Jo

Paisley is my little kitty. Actually, she is about 6 years old but weighs less than 5 pounds. She never goes outside but occassionally if I have the back door open on the deck, she will sneak out there and soak up the fresh air. Last night, she escaped off the deck. I didn't realize she was gone until this morning. Usually she sleeps with me or on the chaise next to my bed (if the dog decides to sleep on the bed). Once I realized she was gone, panic set in. I searched for 30 minutes for her outside and kept calling her name but she didn't respond. She is afraid of everyone except me. When Brent came home from work this morning, he went looking for her. He finally found her in our back neighbors yard under their deck. There is about a 5 inch space under there that she crawled into. She wouldn't even look at me when I called her name. Brent took the ladder that was propped up against the neighbor's house and started to put it under the deck to coaxe her towards me. It worked enough that I could get my arm in there and grab her. She is sitting next to me now as though nothing happened. Naughty little kitty!

Monday, May 5, 2008

Weekly Bowling Scores 5/3/08

This weeks scores are NOT worth posting but I guess I will anyway:

Jenny 108 / 116 / 107
Terrie 96 / 139 / 95 / 93
Brent 172 / 158 / 140 / 153

Brent and Jenny said their excuse was that they were just tired. My excuse is that I had a hangover from the Benedryl and Aleve I took that morning for my migraine. hummm. Maybe next week will be better again.

Thursday, May 1, 2008

My Senior Year

Brent and I got married Nov 5th, 1977. It took two weeks to break the news, plan the wedding with me making my wedding dress. We lived in my parent's basement apartment. This way I could still go to school and we could save our money. Brent and I were so lucky to have parents that supported us in our decision to marry and continue our lives as normal as we could. I was just starting my senior year in high school. I only had one class required for graduation and that was English. I tutored elementary kids in the morning, went to school for lunch and english then was a teacher's aid in a history class. My english teacher was pregnant too, due a month before I was. She was a great teacher and very supportive of me. I think she stood up for me when the counselor tried to talk me into going to an alternative school. I didn't see the point. (The photo on the right is of me and Brent at my Senior Prom/Christmas Dance at the Capitol. I was about 4 months along there.) I wasn't popular and the other kids didn't care about me. No one ever said anything negative to me except one time I was going into the counselors office and a couple of sophemores who were waiting in the Principal's office, one said to the other, "looks like somebody liked her". My counselor heard that and they got in even more trouble. I didn't care. The only other time anyone ever said anything to me about being pregnant was when I was sitting in my English class. I was about 8 months along. I was rather big and couldn't sit in my desk straight forward so I had to sit sideways. The baby had the hiccups so my belly was jumping up and down. The kid behind me said, "how come your belly is moving like that?" I told him it was the baby's hiccups and he said, "doesn't that hurt?" I laughed and told him no. By then my English teacher had her baby and we had a sub. That lady didn't like me being there and thought I was a disruption so she talked the counselor into making me stay home the rest of the year. They provided me with home study program and once a week some lady came to the house to pick up my homework and give me a new reading assignment. On May 22nd, the day my baby was due, I had a doctor's appointment. I found out then that the baby was breech and I would have to have a c-section. I was so upset. I wanted so much to be a part of my first baby being born and wanted Brent there too. Back then, they didn't allow husbands in for that too often. The doctor told me he was sure I would make it to graduation on the 25th but if I had even one suspicious pain, was to get to the hospital immediately.
The next day I had a graduation rehersal. I went and got the program and my name was not on it. I was so mad. I went to my counselor and asked her why. She told me that because I wouldn't be at the ceremony, they didn't want to put my name n the program or it would mess up the order. I asked her why I couldn't be at the ceremony and she told me that I would be having my baby. I guess she had some sort of sixth sense because on May 24th around 11 pm, I had a little pain. I had never felt that before so Brent told me to go up and ask my mom. I went upstairs and told her where my pain was and she said "Call the doctor". Brent did and he said to get in to the hospital right away. I had a few more pains, nothing bad and the next morning, Kimberly Lucina Nielsen was born. I remember waking up out of the anesthesia with Brent patting me on the shoulder. That was so annoying but he said, "honey, you have your baby girl and she has lots of dark hair so you don't have to worry!" I wanted a girl so badly but I was so afraid she would be bald. I don't know why I thought that, just a new mother thing I guess. Kim was absolutely beautiful. Needless to say, I didn't go to my graduation. I called my girlfriend that morning before school and told her to pick up my year book for me. She did and had people sign it for me then she and my other friends brought it to me in the hospital before the ceremony. All the comments in there are congratulations on the baby. I was so lucky to have been able to finish high school the way I did. Nowadays, it would never even be a consideration.