Saturday, October 30, 2010

Meet Millicent

Her name is Millicent. I don't have her full family history yet but she's 10 years old and lives in England in the year 1792. I chose this because of the transition of the clothing styles right around this time will give me more options. This gown is her holiday gown. When Millicent saw it at the clothier's she wanted it more than anything else in the world but the price was far beyond what her father could afford. A few weeks later, to Millicent's surprise, a package arrived. In it, was the gown. She later learned that Father had sold his favorite silver cuff links in order to buy it for her.

OK, cheesy, but I'm not that creative when it comes to writing and story telling.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010


There's 6 inches of snow outside today. I took this picture a few minutes ago. This is the snow that's on top of the hot tub cover. Being from Utah, you'd think I would love the snow, skiing, etc but NO, I've never learned to ski and I don't remember the last time I went sledding. Actually, I do but that doesn't matter. I don't like the snow. Sure, it's pretty on the trees and mountains but if you have a car like mine, you will pretty much ground yourself from driving if there's any snow on the streets. The snow has melted off the streets now but I'm still grounded. Why, you ask? Once again, I have neglected my house. I have been sewing and researching stuff and haven't given a thought to my house. I even went bowling all by myself yesterday. I did pretty good too. Three games: 145, 162 and 145. Why can't I get those scores on my league games?
I'm getting antsy and want to go again this afternoon but I've committed to myself that I cannot leave the house until it's clean. Not just the kitchen, but I need to mop the floor, vacuum, dust and fold laundry. I'm doing everything I can to avoid housework. I'm even writing in my blog. Now, that's avoidance!

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Recent project

Just thought you'd like to see one of my recent projects. Felicity and Elizabeth will soon be sent to the American Girl archives and since I am kicking myself for not buying the last historical character they archived last year, I decided to get them both. I've been wanting Elizabeth for quite some time. She has a unique face that not many of the dolls have. I never cared for Felicity. I don't know if it is the color of her hair or her name or what but I never really wanted her...until now.

I purchased Elizabeth new from American Girl. Isn't she cute?

Here she is with her best friend Felicity, the way Felicity is supposed to look:

I figured I would save a little money and try to buy a Felicity off of eBay. This is what I won!
Pretty SAD, huh?

The day I got her, the first thing I did was pulled off her hair. That's clump of frizz was way beyond salvage. After I took off her wig, I took off her head, pulled all the stuffing out of her body, washed it very well, cleaned her face and head and since it appeared that someone had tried to paint or scratch off her teeth, I repainted those. This doll is an older doll and I've noticed that dolls older than a certain point have little or no color on their lips so I painted new teeth and lips. I got a new wig for her, tightened her limbs, re-stuffed her, re-attached the head, put the new wig on and Viola! I have a beautiful NEW Felicity (gotta change her name though)
Please excuse her nakey body. This was the clearest picture I have. The ones with her dressed are too fuzzy as they were taken with the wrong camera.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010


I bet you thought I'd melted in the Arizona heat...never to post on my blog again but don't delete me from your list of blogs to follow just yet. I'm still around and plan on making good on the promise I made to myself when I started this blog. I told myself that I would post at least once a week, even if I didn't have anything to blog about.

Well, I don't really have much to write. I came home on Sept 30th. I'd been gone for 31 days. Brent told me I had been gone long enough and although I am missing my new granddaughter, I was missing home... My other grandkids, my girls, my cats and my dogs. OK, I missed Brent a little too.

The following Sunday was my birthday so my wonderful daughters took me to lunch and a movie on Saturday. If you haven't seen "You Again", I suggest you do. Wait, it's been about a month so it's about time it's out on DVD :) Anyway, it's pretty funny and a movie I will buy for my collection. Sunday, Brent invited the kids over for dinner and he cooked. I had a wonderful day until I went to bed. Ohhh, I hate having the flu. I couldn't even get out of bed on Monday. Monday evening I started to feel a little better, or so I thought. I went to bed and BAM, it hit me again. Long story short, I ended up passing out and falling off my bed. Luckily there was nothing in my way for me to hurt myself on. The next morning when I woke up, I felt just fine. Then on Wednesday, Brent got it. Hopefully that's the last of it for this year.

I've been busy sewing doll clothes and Halloween costumes. I've neglected my house. It's such a mess. It took me over an hour to clean my kitchen yesterday and I didn't even sweep. That was only dishes! My craft room looks like a hurricane hit it. I have misplaced the cord to my battery charger for my camera and I am crossing my fingers that it's in this mess somewhere. I need to take pictures of some new items I've made so I can post them on my website. If I don't find it, the next post will be as boring as this one!