Monday, July 4, 2011

Mollie turns 3 and other stuff

Since Kim has flaked out on her blog, I guess I will post about her kids' birthdays.

Yesterday, Mollie turned the big 3! Yay for 3! She got an awesome playhouse:
That's baby Jacob, Jase and Mollie in the picture.

I made her this chair: The cover comes off and the arms and back come apart so you can throw it in the washing machine.
I also made her this: because Kim told me that's what Mollie wanted.

This is my old dog Luke: Luke has cancer. He has a tumor on his leg and he's been licking it and it's been swelling up to about the size between a golf ball and tennis ball. We've not been able to stop the bleeding. Brent took him to the vet on Saturday and they wanted to put him down. Brent came home to get me and while he was home, he decided that he wanted Luke to die at home. We went back to get him and the vet was not too happy. Brent was so insistent and asked the vet for pain meds. The doc told us that he may live for another 3 months but he will be in a lot of pain, pain that the meds cannot help. We got the pain meds as well as an anti inflammatory and antibiotics. We agreed that we would call the vet by the end of the week and he can come to our house to do a home euthanasia. The thing is, Luke doesn't act like he's in any pain. He still runs around and plays with the other dogs. He's eating like normal too. I have a strong feeling that Brent will decide that this week will not be the week to say goodbye to our Lukie boy.


Keersten said...

That is so hard! You need a vacation from big health issues. Mollie's party looks very fun, that cute girl! I love the chair and Snow White--too cute!

Unknown said...

It was so fun to see you and just hang out at the Quilted Bear! I am so sorry about Luke. Hard to believe when he eats well and plays. Makes you rethink everything. I am sad for you...
That chair is adorable. And it comes apart!? Now that is incredible. Once again you are ya sis.

Diana said...

Oh I feel for you Terrie. Luke looks so sweet. I hope and pray that things go as easily as possible for Luke and Brent and yourself too!
I loved the gifts that you made for Mollie (Jack just turned 3 last month!). I have patterns for furniture like that but have never given it a try. I'm going to try to start making some purses and pouches for gifts. I'm sure they won't be as pretty and neat as your work!!
Love Di ♥