Tuesday, July 27, 2010

90 degrees

Yes, it was 90 degrees in my bedroom on Sunday evening at 7pm. Brent finally got around to taking apart the HVAC to try to clean the filter. It's in such an awkward position that it's very difficult to get to but he managed to get part of it exposed so that he could get the vacuum brush in there. When he opened it up and shined the flashlight in there, it was covered in dog hair and dust, at least an inch thick. He carefully vacuumed it off and by morning, it was 70 degrees in my room. Ahhh, finally some relief. Now, I am hoping that by getting this fixed, now our electricity bill will go down. It was $332 for one month! Brent has a thing about fans and portable air conditioning units. He thinks the more the better. He doesn't pay the bills. He also doesn't pay the water bill. It was $200. Man, this summer is wiping me out.


Diana said...

We were surprised at how low our electric bill was this year so far. We bought a new central air unit and it has really made a difference in the bill. I still use a window unit in my room upstairs.
So glad you got some relieve Terrie. I don't think I could have slept with it that hot!!
Love Di ♥

Unknown said...

you don't have central air? with that bill it would be paid for in a couple of months lol. Why such a huge water bill? CRAZY! I bet your yard is beautiful though LOL.

Terrie said...

We DO have central air but the filter was plugged and Brent is fixated on fans going all the time "to circulate the air".

Unknown said...

LOL Bob has fans on in every room too. When we sit down and watch tv at night I have to cover up with a blanket!