Friday, February 26, 2010

Misc stuff

I guess I'd better post while I have a few minutes and before I forget.

Work is still work and I do not like being a manager. The owner of the company asked me what I thought of being the COO (Chief Operating Officer). Ummm, I said "NO!" to which he replied, "We'll revisit this again in a month". Hopefully, I am a dissappointment and he won't bring it up again.

The swelling in my legs, ankles and feet has not gone completely away. I went for a follow up appointment and the doc said he wanted me to do a sleep study, thinking I might have sleep apnea. I told him I don't have it. He insisted that I do although I never want or feel the need to take a nap in the middle of the day. I always wake up refreshed and never groggy. (Hey, I am up at 5 am. Mornings are my best time). So, reluctantly, I did the sleep study. Thank goodness, you can just rent a little occimeter and sleep with that on your finger for one night. I got a call from the Doctor's office on Tuesday, I DO NOT have sleep apnea. So why do I still have swelling? The doc just doesn't know. The kidneys, heart and liver are all functioning normally. I guess this is just one more thing I can chalk up to my weight!

Which brings me to another thing. My daughter has friends that have done the HCG diet but with HCG drops instead of injections. My daughter is trying to talk me into doing this with her. I read through the plan and it just seems too... I don't know. Every time I lose weight, I gain it all back and more, putting me in a worse situation than before but with where I am now, I am beginning to notice shortness of breath and other little things that are just annoying. Maybe I will try it for a few weeks, just to see if it works at all on me.

TODAY is (or would be) my mom's 89th birthday. HAPPY BIRTHDAY MOM. I love you and miss you everyday!

Me, Mom and Linda. Mom's 80th birthday, The last birthday she celebrated in this life.

Friday, February 19, 2010

No longer home

Earlier this week, I had to take a "trip" out of my city and travel a whopping 26 miles to Bountiful to do something for my job. I called this a "trip" because the city I live in is all inclusive. Everything you need is within 3 miles of my house. I rarely need to go outside my comfort zone.

Bountiful is the city that I used to live in and since I had to go there anyway, I decided to make a five minute detour and go see my old house. Although I only lived in this house for 4 years before I got married, it was still my "home" after I moved out. My dad designed and built this house. It was the first house in the the area and we lived with dirt roads for about a year, I think. I loved this house and it held so many memories for me.

As I drove up through the neighborhood, I had lots of flashbacks of my teenage years. Learning to drive my VW superbeetle on those hills. Walking to and from school and yes, I could tell my kids I walked uphill both ways, to and from school and it was at least a two mile walk each way too. I remember trying to ride my bike on these hills and finally deciding that walking was much easier and soon gave up bike riding. I remember walking back and forth up and down those hills to my friends houses, several times a day during the summer. I remember my friends, Michele, Chris and CoLene, and how important they were in my life.

Then I arrived at the house. I'll admit it, I got a bit teary eyed. It wasn't because of how the house looked. It didn't look that much different from when I lived there. I think it was because it made me think about my mom and dad. I think about them all the time and miss them dearly. Somehow, seeing the house again reminded me that it just wasn't "home" anymore.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

My excuse

I have an excuse for everything. This time, I think it's a valid one. Don't you?

My reason for not cleaning out this shelf in my fabric closet: Paisley has made herself a nice cozy bed out of all the fleece.

Monday, February 15, 2010

My son

On Jan 23rd, I was sitting in the airport in Orlando, waiting for our flight home. I received a text message that said, "Good morning Daddy". I replied back, "Huh?", to which was received, "That was the text I received yesterday morning". I in turn replied, "So,is this an announcement?"

And so it was. My son's girlfriend is expecting. It was totally unexpected as she was on birth control but I guess some things are just meant to be! We are certainly happy for them. I only wish they lived closer. Being in Arizona doesn't make it too easy for me to spoil the baby but I am sure I will manage. I will just require photos weekly.

Congrats to Jeff and Jessica.

Sunday, February 7, 2010

No rest for the weary

There's no place like home. But coming home means back to work and work. My first day back, my boss sent me and Jenny and IM. (Jenny is my daughter and works for the same company that I do.) He wanted to meet with the both of us so he came here to my house. We covered the typical issues, concerns and some new changes then he announced that he will be going to 3 days a week instead of 5. He's past retirement age and has finally decided to take it easy so with that, I knew what was coming. He started in with how we now need a manager and as he is speaking, I am motioning with my head and finger over to Jenny. She really deserves the promotion however, he chimed in and said, "Sorry Terrie, it's you". Crap, I hate this. I really don't like or want to be a "manager". Team lead is good enough for me. He even bumped up my wage but to me, it's not the money. I just don't want the responsibility. But, I didn't see that I had a choice so I told him I would do my best. Friday, I had a meeting with my boss, the programmer and the owner of the company. I can't tell you how many times I heard from the owner that the reason that "so&so" from the other company was let go was because he didn't know how to prevent "forest fires" and he didn't know how to effectively monitor the employees by tracking the amount of work each employeed did and making them accountable for their own jobs. This got my stomach turning in knots because I am not a numbers person. I stink at spreadsheets and if I have to manually count each and every order, well, I simply don't have time for that. The numbers game won't happen if it's not automated. He agreed with me there but since automation of reports takes time and takes the programmer away from other items that are at the top of the list, I am afraid that I will have no fighting chance. In any event, we began our changes last Tuesday. I have finally had the chance to look at some of the old orders that are sitting out there and I am baffled as to why. I guess this is what is meant by making each person accountable. Problem is, if I fix the problem simply to get it out of there, the person who should have been responsible will never learn. If I tell the person what to do, it's going to take that much longer to have them resolve the issue and realize what went wrong. I can't win. My only hope is to point out the issue then deal with the problem myself and hope they catch on.

And still no rest for the weary, when I came back from Florida, I had six order for doll clothes waiting to be filled and Brent and I came down with terrible colds. I've been so weak and so tired, I have really struggles with keeping up on the orders. I've been coughing so much and so hard that my sides and ribs hurt. I just want to go lay fact, I think I will do that NOW! Goodnight.