Friday, February 26, 2010

Misc stuff

I guess I'd better post while I have a few minutes and before I forget.

Work is still work and I do not like being a manager. The owner of the company asked me what I thought of being the COO (Chief Operating Officer). Ummm, I said "NO!" to which he replied, "We'll revisit this again in a month". Hopefully, I am a dissappointment and he won't bring it up again.

The swelling in my legs, ankles and feet has not gone completely away. I went for a follow up appointment and the doc said he wanted me to do a sleep study, thinking I might have sleep apnea. I told him I don't have it. He insisted that I do although I never want or feel the need to take a nap in the middle of the day. I always wake up refreshed and never groggy. (Hey, I am up at 5 am. Mornings are my best time). So, reluctantly, I did the sleep study. Thank goodness, you can just rent a little occimeter and sleep with that on your finger for one night. I got a call from the Doctor's office on Tuesday, I DO NOT have sleep apnea. So why do I still have swelling? The doc just doesn't know. The kidneys, heart and liver are all functioning normally. I guess this is just one more thing I can chalk up to my weight!

Which brings me to another thing. My daughter has friends that have done the HCG diet but with HCG drops instead of injections. My daughter is trying to talk me into doing this with her. I read through the plan and it just seems too... I don't know. Every time I lose weight, I gain it all back and more, putting me in a worse situation than before but with where I am now, I am beginning to notice shortness of breath and other little things that are just annoying. Maybe I will try it for a few weeks, just to see if it works at all on me.

TODAY is (or would be) my mom's 89th birthday. HAPPY BIRTHDAY MOM. I love you and miss you everyday!

Me, Mom and Linda. Mom's 80th birthday, The last birthday she celebrated in this life.


Diana said...

Oh Terrie, I know how you feel, my mom's birthday was Feb. 20th. It was her first birthday in heaven, she would have been 73. Terrie, I am overweight too. And I have found that if I don't exercise every week at least three times a week, I won't loose a pound. It doesn't matter how I eat. As soon as I stop working out, I gain weight. It sucks! So starting Monday I am going back to working out. The problem is my knees. The doctor said the machines make my knees worse which is why I want the bike. I hate working out but all of my clothes are getting too tight. Do you have an exercise bike or something? I know it's hard when you have to work, no one wants to work out after a hard days work, but for me, it's the only thing that works. And stick to your guns on the job, if you don't want the position, keep saying no. Good Luck Terrie.
Love Di

All Dolled Up Doll Clothes said...

Hi Di, Yes, I have an excercise bike, treadmill and total gym. The problem with the bike is that I have real bad arthritis in my tailbone. Yes, I know. It's a strange place to have arthritis but I do. Sitting on that bike is torture. I've tried pillows and extra memory foam and it doesn't help. I can't walk on the treadmill either because of my chin splints. Yeah, I have an excuse for everything. I just want to be one of those people that has a super high metabolism, never having to work out or diet. Wouldn't it be nice?

Diana said...

I hear you Terrie, My arthritis is in the strangest places too. I have to laugh sometimes because I also have it in my second toe! But I'll tell ya, it hurts so bad sometimes that I can't walk. I just decided to keep trying recently. I pretty much gave up on working out after mom died, I didn't really care. But now all my new jeans are getting too tight so I at least want to loose the few pounds I gained the past three months. It's been almost three months since she passed away. So wish me luck. I have the same problem though. I start again and than something starts hurting again.
Love Di

Unknown said...

ok Terrie, you look so good in this picture and I look so funny! what is up with that hairdo???lol it is like a bowl and poofed out on the side! LOL mom was a sweetie. I wish I had the nerve to just let my hair grow out like hers but NAH that would make me even feel....older and I can't afford to feel that way. so you think you can do the HGG diet? 500 calories? STARVE yourself! Don't do it without consulting your has always scared me that diet, and it just can't be healthy! But being over weight is not healthy either...hmmm?????

The Brownings said...

Oh Linda!! That is hilarious! I think it's a fashion statement you were trying to make ;)
oma OMA oma!! Oh I miss her!
Mom, YES, we are doing the diet. You can't back out-it's already been ordered!