Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Paisley's new spot

This little cat doesn't like people and will only let me pet her on her terms. She usually spends her days up in my bedroom snuggled into my pillow. Today as I was in my office, I got up to get something from my closet, opened the door that was already ajar, and this was the first thing I saw She blends in so well with all the other fabric. Can you even see her? She's sitting on top of the blue fleece fabric.


Diana said...

Awww Terrie she just wanted a nice and cozy place to relax. I can totally relate!!

Gosh you are such a mother hen lately with all of your comments on my blog! I promised Jake that I would go to the doctor or the E.R. tomorrow morning if I didn't feel better.

He and Katie had a grand old time looking at my throat telling me that it is infected!

They are such babies! You know Terrie if I leave any closet doors open, the cats will venture in. I'm just afraid that I'll close the door and not know that they are still in there! Ewew!
Love Di

Jerelene said...

Hi Terrie!
I picked you to pen-pal with Diana this time...just let me know if you need her address...I kind of think you might already have hers :)
You can write me if you need to about it...
You are a sweet mother hen :)
Love you...Jerelene

Unknown said...

ahhhh cute kitty...and how do you suppose that us sister would just happen to pick the same blog favorite background? hehehehe love u!

The Brownings said...

She used to love me, but then I left her. That's why she doesn't like any one....I left her :(