Friday, September 18, 2009

Why Holland?

For my readers that are not of my birth family, I thought I should let you know a little of my family history before I post anymore about my trip to Holland.

Back in 1952, my parents, Johannes Schippers and Gerda Wempe Schippers immigrated from the Netherlands to the United States of America along with their four children; Johannes Jr (Hans- age 6), Ronald (age 5), Edward (age 3) and Linda (age 6 months). This move, as my dad had told me, was to give a better future with more opportunities to his children. They came by boat into Ellis Island, NY

Ship's Manifest

and took the train to Pocatello Idaho where their sponser family lived. My dad spoke very little English, my mother and the children spoke none at all. From the stories my mom has told me, I believe it was within three weeks and my oldest two brothers were practically fluent in the American language. They were the ones that taught my mother how to speak the language. My mom also told me that listening to music all the time helped as well. My parent's philosophy was that if one lives in America, you must learn like the Americans and they did. Mom, pregnant with Rick, Dad, Eddie, Linda, Hans and Ron

After my brother Richard was born (in Pocatello), the family moved to Utah where my brother Glen and I were born. Utah became our "home" and this is where we now all reside, except for Rick who moved to Colorado several years ago.

The dedication page in my scrapbook that I started (and will eventually finish) reads:
"Holland - May 15th to 29th- 1999
The trip of a lifetime! Dad and Mom immigrated from the Netherlands in 1952 ad a few years ago, dad decided he wanted to take his children and their spouses to visit his homeland. Unfortunately, his health did not permit it. Dad passed away March 29, 1998 but his dream didn't die. My brothers, Hans and Glen announced on Christmas eve, 1998 that they were planning that trip. They expressed their concern for mom's eyesight and believed that if we waited much longer, she wouldn't enjoy the trip if she couldn't see well enough. They encouraged everyone who could, to join them. Because of financial issues, I hesitated, What's more important? In all, seven of us went. Hans and Penny, Glen and Michelle, Mom, Rick and Me. Our journey, the trip of a lifetime will last in my memory forever."


Diana said...

Oh Terrie this was wonderful! I can imagine your mothers feelings coming here to a new country not knowing the language , starting a new life. Exciting and scary too! I was wondering how you settled in Utah and now I know. This is great for your family, having it all in text!
And I'll bet that you are glad that you decided to go on that once in a lifetime trip!
Love Di

All Dolled Up Doll Clothes said...

Thanks Di, Yes, I am so greatful that I had the opportunity to go. As a side note, my dad and his brother worked for the LDS Church in Holland doing the microfilming of the geneology records there and this is initially how they got a sponser family and decided to move to the US. Stay tuned, more to come.

Unknown said...

Terrie! I have NEVER see this picture! I am wondering how many other pictures that I have not see? I love the internet, I am so happy I could save this one. I was a cutie pie! hehehe I look a lot like our little lauren! can't wait to show my kids....thank you for the beautiful post! I can always count on you. hugs...lindalu