Wednesday, August 5, 2009


No, that's not my new catch phrase, it's the new water park that opened a few weeks ago close to my house. Cowabunga Bay that is. It's not a real big water park but there sure are plenty of slides and fun for everyone. Brent and I and our kids (sorry Jeff, we missed you)and their families as well as Brent's neices all put on our swim suits (OK, I didn't, I wouldn't be caught dead in a swim suit and I am scared of the water because yes, I almost drowned in 2 feet of water coming off a slide once)and headed on down to the park. We got there shortly after it opened in the morning so it wasn't too crowded. I do believe that everyone had a great time!

Kim and Mollie

Emily in the black bikini and Sarah (standing just behind Matt), lovingly known as "the girls". They love their uncle Matt!

Mollie Macaroni

He's still so handsome and look at that bod!


Aubrey Girl. She just got her hair cut a couple weeks ago. Isn't she cute?

Kim and Mollie coming down the kiddie slide

No fear for Jase. Luckily they have the jackets on site to use

And Jenny was never far from his side

Zach and Aubrey getting ready to go around the lazy river

Kim and Mollie again.


Diana said...

Hi Terrie!
It looks like everyone was having so much fun. You should have taken a photo of yourself though. You could have waved at us closed in people while you were out in the sun and fun!
Nice photos Terrie.

Tyler and Sheena said...

I wish we were in Utah so I could take the girls there. They would have the time of their lives. Looks like you guys had fun.

All Dolled Up Doll Clothes said...

Hi Diana, My hubby did take a photo of me. I am the one right below him in the purple tank top.

Penny said...

I had no idea this was there or even being built. How fun for all of yo. now we have a new place to go when Emily comes with all the kids again. Nice pics and tons of fun for you.

Kim Royer said...

How cute are the kids!!! Thanks for taking us!