Sunday, April 12, 2009

Happy Easter

Happy Easter everyone!

This year, I'm too busy to think much about Easter. We are to the finishing touches stages in the kitchen and my stove is still not working yet. Yesterday, we didn't get much of anything accomplished so today, it's work, work, work. I want my kitchen usable by tomorrow, although I think only the microwave will be installed.

Every year on Easter, I think back to when I was growing up. Our Easter Basket consisted of some little thing like jelly beans and a chocolate bunny in our cereal bowl. My mom would put a little of the grass stuff in there to make it look like an Easter basket. I never thought anything of it until I started to get a bit older and saw that my friends had real baskets. Then when I told my mom I wanted a real basket, that year I got a teeny tiny basket with a little blue stuffed bunny in it. Aside from the basket, we ALWAYS got an outfit for church, complete with the bonnet, white gloves and little purse. We have home movies of many Easters but little if any pictures. Unfortunately, the home movies are no longer viewable because the tapes have deteriorated beyond the point of putting them on a dvd. This picture is when I was about 13. I was past the white gloves and bonnet stage at this point and "smocks" were the style.

Tell me about your Easter memories. Please post a comment on what you remember most or what traditions you liked the most.


Unknown said...

Actually...I don't know why I surpress all of my childhood memories. I don't remember much of anything really. Even events of my marriage in the early years. Sad huh. I just have one of those brains that just doesn't remember! That's ok because now with all the pictures....of my grandkids I do remember like 10 years ago! LOL. I probably remember only a half dozen things growing up. Never Easter except sitting in church on a Sunday with Patti Johnson, and we were counting petticoats under our dresses. She had the most. I think that may have been an Easter Sunday memory. Sad huh! oh well!

Penny said...

I remember the petty coats and the colorful new dress, bonnets and purses and don't forget the white shoes every Easter. My mother always made a delicious feast and Ham was the tradition at the dinner table. Good times when so many of the sweet memories were homemade with lots of love! Ah. those were the days........