Friday, March 27, 2009


For my kitchen, I've decided to go with the mustard or golden yellow with accents of red or vice versa. I've picked out two different fabrics for my window treatments that I really like unfortunately, the colors don't come out very well on the samples but here's my choices. I am just going to make a pleated valance for each of the windows and doors.

This is actually more of a gold instead of a bright yellow or tan that it's showing here. I found two sites with the samples and neither are a very good representation. The dots are red and are embroidered, not printed on the fabric so there is some texture.

This is my other choice. There's no yellow or gold in it. The background is tan. Pretty much as you see it here but I am leaning towards this one being too dark.

Help me!


Unknown said...

I like the first pokadot one with more gold....I think it will really make the windows and floor come together and POP, can you tape it to the wall next to the cupboard.....or just hold it in your hand and take a pic?

The Brownings said...

The fabric we actually chose looks so much better than any of these!! It will look super good :) Cute new background btw!!