Thursday, March 12, 2009

Bad Habit

I go through a box of band-aids faster than anyone. I even cut them in half lengthwise to make the box last longer and because they fit better that way. I confess. I am a picker. I pick the skin around my nails until my fingers bleed. I usually use a nipper, the kind that salons use to gently clip hang nails but I'm not so gentle. I don't know why I do it. It's like I cannot control it. I have found that I do it most often while I am watching TV. I have not found a suitable alternate past time to occupy my hands to keep me from this ugly habit. Even 30 minutes of down time is enough to cause some major pain. I just don't know what to do.


Jessarella said...

You and your son in law have more in common than you think.

Anonymous said...

HAHAHA That's funny Rella!!
I have found that if I don't do something with my hands while watching tv, I EAT! So my alternatives are to play game boy or eat sunflower seeds (to me this is much better than ice cream or chips) or I play cards or flip through a magazine. Whatever can keep my hands busy from shoveling food in my mouth-works for me!!