So I took a little inspiration from Emily. Here are a bunch of Family photos from our Christmas's past. Can you find yourself in any of them?
Just an FYI, in case you didn't already know... If you click on the slideshow, it will open another widow so you can see the pictures in larger format.
Remember our family tradition of going to Oma and Opa's for Christmas Eve? I will admit, some of the pictures are not that great and in many, can't even see anyone's face but I am including them so you remember what Opa and Oma's house looked like and the fun times we had. The last two pictures are a small tribute to our fun times at Brent's parent's house.
Oh I love it!!! Thanks mom-love the memories! I will always remember Christmas with Oma and Opa-it was the best! My oh my look how we've all grown!!! HA
Thanks so much for sharing. Wow I cannot believe how long ago that seems! I loved that tradition. Of course it is fun to have new traditions, AHHHH. So fun. Have a Merry Christmas.!
I didn't have time to comment when I first viewed this post, but no matter, I'll do it now!
I loved it! It was so fun to see all the pictures of us growing up and to remember the mirrored walls in the basement, the orange carpet, the general layout of the house. It made me feel all warm and fuzzy inside. Thanks for that slide show. And thanks for the family calendar! If I want to print it, what kind of paper should I use? Any other suggestions to make it turn out the best?
Thanks again. You are always so thoughtful and go out of your way for people.
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