Thursday, November 13, 2008

Swings and things

I am thankful for baby swings. Without this swing, Mollie would probably cry all day. Everytime I hold her, she screams. She refuses to take a bottle and so she starves while Kim goes to work. Most of the time, Kim works 4 hrs, 4 days a week but with the kids being off track, she has decided to work 2 eight hour days. Poor little Millie Mac only has her fingers to console her and luckily, this swing.

I am also thankful for Papa's that are willing to take two of the kids out to play. I thought it would be great fun for him to take them to Bounce U. Unfortunately, they only operate at certain hours. I didn't know this when I sent them out the door. When they arrived there, Zach and Aubrey told Brent he could take them to Chuck E Cheese instead. Brent called me and said, "What do I do?". I told him to just take them to McDonalds and get them lunch and let them play there. Well, nearly three hours later, I knew it wasn't McDonalds!. Looks like they had a blast at Chuck E Cheese!


The Brownings said...

Awe! What a great Papa we have!!!

Unknown said...

ok that is the cutest post I have ever seen! Those 2 little pics will be treasured FOREVER!

Kim Royer said...

My poor baby! Its great to be loved.