Saturday, August 30, 2008

Spooky 1986 to 2008

Words cannot describe my feelings today. I am sad but I am also somewhat relieved. Yesterday, shortly after posting to my blog about Spooky, I realized that the end was near. By the end of the day, I told Brent that I didn't think Spooky would make it through the night. He did but he was so bad off. He was barely breathing and couldn't walk. He was cold too. Every once in a while he would just let out a half meow, more like a whimper. I finally made the decision to end his suffering. It was so hard but I knew I could not let him go even a few more hours like that. We called down to the vet and they told us we could come in and they would fit us in. I wrapped him up in a receiving blanket and he was still the ride down as I cradled him in my arms. I couldn't bare to just leave him there so we decided to be in the room while they administered the drug. They warned us of what we may witness, none is which would be a pleasant sight. None of that happened. He didn't even flinch when the shaved his leg to find a vein, nor did he flinch when they put the needle in. He was already so far gone. The vet assured us that it definately was time for him to go. He said that Spooky outlived the average cat by about 6 years. Since I have no absolute record of when Jenny found him, I can only go by pictures. The earliest one Jenny has, she is about 4 years old and she has him tucked into a doll high chair. I believe she found him in about 1986 or 87 but he was already about 6-9 months old then. That would make him about 22 or about 110 in cat years the vet said.

Good bye my Spooky. I will remember you forever. Have fun in heaven with JoJo and Addy.


Mandy said...

Oh I am so sorry to hear about Spooky. I know how you feel, when my mom had to put Sadie our doggie down it was hard and I remember crying because I loved her so much.
Farwell to Spooky, we have memories and good ones at that.

The Brownings said...

Prrrrrmeow! Love you spook.

Unknown said...

ok sister......although I am not a kitty or lover of dogs, (unless they are outside)(please don't e-mail me over that!) you MADE ME CRY! oh my gosh, I am sooo sorry for you because I KNOW how much your sweet pets mean to you! I never want to have to do that, maybe that is why I don't have any pets, except Bob! And even though he would like me to put him out of his misery I could never do it! I love you sis, I am soo sorry :(

Diana said...

oh Terrie, I received your comment today and looked up your post about your Spooky. I know now that you know exactly how I felt today. Thank you so much for visiting me and it really was a comfort for me after reading your story.We have always had cats, 8 at one time and have watched them grow old. This is the fourth one that I have had to put down and it never ever gets any easier. I recognized you right away as Linda's sister and I'm very glad to meet you! Thank you so much for visiting me and your post about your Spooky. I will be back to read your blog. You touched my heart today Terrie, thank you again.