Forget the manicures, Orange fingernails aren't so attractive.
We've had a pretty good turnout with out garden this year with the exception of my cucumbers and pickling cucumbers. That darned zucchini plant finally got chopped to the ground on Thursday so now the pickles and cucumbers will get some sunlight. I even noticed some starting already.
So far, I have "put up" 16 pints of peach (no chunks)jam, 22 pints of Strawberry (without the seeds and no chunks)jam, 4 quarts of the best salsa in town using my own grown jalapenos and tomotoes (by the way, this doesn't get stored because it's too yummy and goes quickly when I have to share with my kids), two quarts of pickled beets, shredded and froze 32 cups of shredded zucchini for bread (I hate zucchini otherwise). I have an abundance of green peppers and I'm not sure what to do with those; you can only put so many into the salsa. This has all been done within the last 3 weeks. Phew!
You should see my green bean plants. The bushes are huge but there's only about 4 beans on the entire thing. I was really hoping for a bunch this year. We are almost out of corn too so it looks like we're headed to Rasmussen Farms in Draper for more. Brent's great at cleaning the corn then all we do is seal it in the food saver vacuum bags and it's good for a couple of years.
So, I am the canning queen. If you have fruit or anything else you want to get rid of, I am almost an expert now and will happily show you what to do with it.
I have a zucchini the size of my thigh that I don't know what to do with.. Any ideas?
go go girl! BTDT and it has been years since! I do miss the reaping the rewards though. No place to put a garden sad.
Wow! You are amazing! And to think I was there when you started canning all those many years ago! Remember the apricot pinapple jam we did at your mom's house?
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