Tuesday, April 22, 2008

How it started

Photo taken November 9th, 1975. Me 16, Brent 17. Look what a geek I was and how CUTE he was! I made these shirts for the both of us for a dance we went to. The fabric was a western print, cowboys and bucking broncos. Brent's comment about this photo? "Don you wish we had those bodies again?"

Way back when, the summer before I turned 13, I went with my friend to learn how to square dance. The moment we walked into the door, I saw Brent sitting on top of an upright piano. I knew from that very moment, even without knowing who he was, that I was going to marry him. Crazy, you say? Well, never tell a teenager (or preteen) they don't know anything about love. They just may prove you wrong!

Brent's uncle was new at teaching square dancing and so Brent's mom made him go to support his uncle. I went because I thought it would be fun. Even though I knew Brent was always the one for me, I had to play the game. I pretended to have crushes on other boys but they never lasted long because I knew where my heart was.

Because we lived so far apart, me in Rose Park and he on 8th south and 4th east, we only saw eachother once a week at square dancing. One week he would like me, the next he wouldn't. Typical 15 year old boy. When I was 14, just before the end of 8th grade, we moved to Bountiful and that made it impossible for me to see him.

Exerpts taken from my journal:
In October of 1974, after I'd just turned 15, I got a call from my girlfriend in Rose Park. She told me that Brent wanted to know if he could have my number. Of course I siad "yes" but then I didn't hear from him. After a week, I called him. Of course I did, did you think I wouldn't??? He asked me if I could go to a haunted house with him and his friend. I hesitated only because I was "seeing" someone else. I went anyway and we had a great time. A couple days later he called me while I was at my friend's house in Rose Park. I told him not to call me anymore because I still liked this other guy. He got mad and hung up. Later I found out from a friend that he was so angry that he ripped his work shirt to shreds. He can't confirm or deny that now.

The following March (1975) I was at the Deseret Gym taking a class. My friend and I were waiting for our ride and I jokingly said, "wouldn't it be funny if Brent was here" and no sooner had I said that and here he came walking up the steps. He took one look at me and headed for the door. Of course I went after him. I tried to apologize to him but he didn't want to hear it. A couple weeks later, I broke up with that "other guy".

The story picks up again in August of 1975. I called a mutual friend of ours (Steve), pretending to want to fix him up and Steve asked me if that was the only reason I was calling. He knew I was calling to ask about Brent and I admitted it. Steve told Brent and Brent's reply? "Alriiiight!"

We got together three days later. On November 10th, 1975 my journal entry reads:
"Tonight when Brent called, he asked me if I would marry him in three years. It was the neatest thing. He's told me millions of times that he loves me and we were gonna get married but tonight he was really and truly serious." As I read through the rest of my journal that ends in April of 1976, between Feb and April, we broke up about 5 times. Each time we got back together, it was because I was the one who called him. For the next year and a half, we broke up every couple of months. Check back next week to see where we went from there.


Burrell said...

I love it! It's like a story that I already know the ending to, but I can't wait to find out what happens next!

The Brownings said...

You know-I knew about the square dancing thing but none of the rest! Can't wait to hear what happens!!!!! You guys are such nerds!