Friday, February 11, 2011

Oh, Christmas Tree

Yes, I know it's February 11th. So why am I singing a Christmas carol? Because today, February 11th, I finally took down my Christmas tree!

As mentioned in previous posts, I have been very busy. Today was the first chance I've had to even think about anything other than getting out orders. I have heard before though that if you leave your tree up until after the new year, you'll have good luck. I guess this means that this year is going to be a great year for me.

Now there's a big empty space in the corner where the tree was. Looks like I need more furniture. Off to the furniture store to get two more chairs so Deb can finish decorating and hanging my paintings. Then you'll all get to finally see my before and after pics of a two year project.


Diana said...

I can't wait to see your before and afters Terrie! Last night Jake and I went to church. It was about 6:45. There is a house on the way that still has all of their Christmas lights turned on all over the outside of the house! It still looks very pretty, even in February!
Love Di ♥

Unknown said...

oh this will be fun! You already had a beautiful home. So cozy! I can't wait to see what Debra has done!