Friday, September 24, 2010

Three weeks old

Rylie is now three weeks old. I'm sorry that I've not posted anything sooner but now that I've been scolded by several, here's a short slideshow of our beautiful little Rylie Lynn.


Diana said...

Hi Terrie,
All the photos were precious! And was that a little tutu I saw her wearing? How adorable! Love Di ♥

The Brownings said...

Cute hot pink stroller! hehe

I just love that little bug! Wish I could be there to snuggle her!! XOXO

(Tell Jeffrey B to CUT HIS HAIR!!!!)

bjk said...

Aww, she's so cute! Was the 'one-eyed' picture in honor of "Talk Like a Pirate Day" (19 September)?

Unknown said...

She is beautiful, I can't get over all that hair and there are 2 pics where I can see she looks a lot like Jeff! WOW! I bet you are crazy over here! Didn't Kim have a lot of hair too?