Monday, April 21, 2008

My Inspiration

I miss my Mom and Dad. Dad's been gone for 10 years and Mom has been gone for 6 1/2 years. I still get the urge to call my mom to tell her things. I hear Dad answer the phone and when I ask, "Hi dad, is mom around" and Dad says, "No she's square". I want to tell them all the things I am sure they are already watching from heaven. "Oh mom, you should see Zach play the guitar on the video game. He's so good at it. Jase is cutting teeth and trying to take a few steps. Aubrey is a little stinker for her mommy but she's such an angel for me. One of her favorite movies is "Annie" from the Lil Orphan Annie character. I made her a little red dress just like Annie's for her birthday."

My grandkids call me Oma. They call Brent Papa. Before I had grandkids, I imagined them calling me Granny. I wanted to have them call me something different from their other grandparents. When the time came for the grandbabies to come along, missing my mom horribly and feeling like I couldn't share this most important event with her, I decided I wanted to make sure my grandkids had an Oma in their life, like my kids had. The most wonderful sound I've ever heard was the first time my first grandbaby called for me; "Ohmaaaa". Oh mom, I only hope I can be half the Oma that you were.


Mandy said...

Oh how I wish they were here to see what they helped bring into this world. I just keep thinking that Kylie must have known them. She is always smiling and laughing. The picture you have posted was them dancing at my wedding reception. I cannot believe that was 12 years ago. I love that my kids call my dad Opa and my mom Omee. Thank you

The Brownings said...

Don't worry mom! You are doing a great job at being the best Oma to Jase as my Oma was to me. I compare you two all the time and always think about how wonderful and similar you are. We Love You!

Tyler and Sheena said...

I wish, so bad, that I could have met them. I here so many wonderful things about them.