Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Now you know

Now you know why I don't get much done. They have even taken over the floor space in my sewing area.

Honestly, who can resist a face like this?

They are not always this cute though. Nor do they sleep all the time. We seem to have a difficult time keeping them out of the litter box. Last Saturday, I cam down first thing in the morning and to my horror, I found one of my dolls on the floor. I thought for sure she was a gonner. I had laid her on top of a cabinet the night before. I must have had her head hanging over the edge a little too far because it seems to me that one of the pups had snuck in through the door and the door hit into the doll and knocked her onto the floor. After the pup(s) had found what they were after in the litter box, the came after the doll.

That's kitty litter "stuff" all over her face and in her hair. Do you know what happens to kitty litter when it gets wet? Well, it took a while but I got it all out. She cleaned up very nicely and doesn't even smell like the litter box anymore.

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Oh, What have I done?

I gave Brent a tablet for Christmas. It does pretty much everything an iPad does but it's a different Brand. He can't figure out how to use it but was interested in the fact that it could be an eReader. I bought myself an eReader for Christmas. Since he is technically challenged when it comes to computers and gadgets, I told him I would send that back and get him either a real iPad (he seemed to think these are easier to use) or a 13 or 14 in laptop. He liked that idea so we went to Best Buy yesterday to look. The geek told us (told Brent because I already knew but Brent won't listen to me) all about the differences between the prices on the iPads and between those and laptops. He decided it might be better to go with a laptop but the one he liked was sold out. We wandered around a little and ended up in the Apple section. The geek was telling us about the Apple computers and laptops and somehow, I am not sure when but we ended up walking out of the store with a brand new huge iMac. I just measured the monitor and it's more than 30 inches diagonally. The nice thing about this computer is that the cpu is built into the monitor so the puppies have no wires and cables to chew on under my desk. It will take a little bit of getting used to the different types of functions but I'll get there...unless I change my mind and take it back to the store.

I should add here that when we got into the truck, I told Brent that my stomach hurt and we should not have bought it. I told him he should not have encouraged me and he replied: "I didn't hear you say 'No' ".

I really did need a new computer. My other one contracted a nasty virus and although they were able to recover many of my files, I continued to experience virus issues. With a Mac, I won't get a virus.

This keyboard is real small. There's no 10-key on the side but since I am not working anymore, I don't really need it.

Brent's alternate gift: He wants to get his jeep fixed instead. This way, he can drive that to work, saving on fuel and I can use his truck instead of my stupid little firebird that is so hard to get in and out of.